Video Learning Center - Military Families


As a parent in a military family, you know that a lot of ups and downs come with the territory. The members of your family are strong, proud and resilient. But you're also faced with many challenges, and it's often hard to know how to talk about these challenges with your child. That's why we've created this Video Learning Center, specifically for military families. In the videos, you will hear ideas on how to start talking, tips on what to say and how to access resources if your child is using drugs or drinking.

Online Learning Video

Parenting to Prevent Substance Abuse

It's not a matter of if but when your child will be asked to use drugs or alcohol. How will they respond? What pressures are different for military children than civilians? Why might military kids be at greater risk? In this video we'll discuss that plus we'll show you 4 steps you can take to reduce the chances your child will drink or use drugs.

Length: 4:01

Online Learning Video

Where to Turn if Your Child is Using Drugs or Alcohol

11 million youth in our country are addicted to drugs or alcohol and unfortunately 90% of them don't get the treatment they need. We want to change that. This video will show you some of the resources available here in Arizona for military families. Most importantly, we hope this video provides hope to families that recovery is possible and help is available for any child struggling with substance abuse. 

Length: 2:52

Thunderbird Charities